Unsere aktuellen Tänze & Repetitionen
absolut Beginner, Beginner & high Beginner
22 twenty two
a bar song
big hug
bird walk
calma y lento
come dance with me
dolly would
good to be a cowboy
little rumba
lucky lips
never drinking again
roadhouse rock
stand by
the last shanty
we can't wait
why indiana
a rattlesnake kiss
bosa nova
champagne promis
go mama go
grain of salt
hold me now
i got a problem
jersey giant
made in mexico
sweet & texas
un poquito
watermelon moonshine
when your drunk
Intermediate / Advanced
3 tequila floor
around the fire
broken soul
jelaus of the sun
no body
southern gospel
straight line
that missing piece
telling on my heart
the card you gambled
the gambler
magic nights
his only need
men on a mission
run me like a river